Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amendment 4 getting National exposure and approval

For the third time in seven days, a national news media outlet has weighed in on Amendment 4. This time, it's The Atlantic magazine online and staff editor Daniel Indiviglio, a former investment banker. His conclusion?

"Even if Amendment 4 is not a perfect solution, it does offer an alternative to the status quo, which obviously has not served Florida well. In August it had the fifth highest state unemployment in the U.S. at 11.7%, well above the national average. Nonsensical overbuilding is a failed approach for the state's economy, but as long as the local governments rubberstamp all developer requests, nothing will change."

You can read the entire article at The Atlantic website.

On Tuesday, The New York Times wrote on Amendment 4 with a long look at failed developments, overbuilt condos and how opponents to the right to vote on development exaggerate its effects on ballot sizes.

Late last week, a Fox News Channel story brought correspondent Douglas Kennedy to Connerton, north of Tampa, a barely built mega-development that was approved despite voters' complaints of sprawl and environmental damage.

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