Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Amendment 4 - Another Reason to Vote YES

Iin the City of Port St. Lucie with a $48 million San Simeon-like clubhouse, there is Tesoro, a golf community, a ghost town. Bankrupt, the owners filed a lawsuit this year for a host of wrongdoings: selling lots through Ponzi schemes, fraudulently inflating property values, lying to and duping clients, failing to account for hundreds of thousands of dollars in membership dues and missing escrow accounts and backing out on promises to build amenities. Source: TC Palm

The city’s mayor resigned on September 22 after being arrested for corruption-- on charges of pocketing campaign contributions, including money from developers. Tesoro — former scrub brush — is now an eerie ghost town of mini-castles with fewer than 100 residents.

“This is bubble grandeur,” Ms. Blackner said, noting that Port St. Lucie’s taxpayers were left to pay for a new firehouse in the development.

“The commissioners were supposed to be protecting the community,” she said. “That’s their job, and they were asleep at the switch.” Source: NY Times

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