Saturday, September 11, 2010

9/11 - Where is Osama?

How come we never got this guy? After watching about 9/11 all day, it makes you wonder how, after 9 years, that we are not any closer in getting this evil Islamic terrorist.

"Allah knows it did not cross our minds to attack the towers but after the situation became unbearable and we witnessed the injustice and tyranny of the American-alliance against our people in Palestine and, I thought about it. And the events that affected me directly were that of 1982 and the events that followed – when America allowed the Israelis to invade Lebanon, helped by the U.S. Sixth Fleet. As I watched the destroyed towers in Lebanon, it occurred to me punish the unjust the same way (and) to destroy towers in America so it could taste some of what we are tasting and to stop killing our children and women."

~Osama bin Laden, 2004

In total 3,497 people died in the attacks on 11 September 2001.
  • 2,735 civilians in the World Trade Center died
  • 87 passengers and crew members aboard American Airlines Flight 11 that hit the North Tower
  • 60 passengers and crew aboard United Flight 175 that hit the South Tower
  • 343 New York City firefighters and rescue workers and 23 New York City law enforcement officers, 47 Port Authority workers and 37 Port Authority Police Officers, lost their lives when they rushed in to save the victims in the World Trade Center
  • 36 passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93, who gave their lives stopping four hijackers over Pennsylvania
  • 64 passengers and crew aboard American Airlines Flight 77 that crashed into the Pentagon, killing them and 125 people in the building.

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