Sunday, August 29, 2010

Steven Rosenblum candidate House District 89 on Jobs

Steven Rosenblum is running against Jeff Clemens for House District 89. As jobs and the economy are our main issues in the State, this is what Steven says about Jobs:


Florida faces an unemployment rate over 12%. Many Floridians have been out of work for a year or more. Some have given up looking for work out of frustration.

We need a combination of lower taxes and tax rebate incentives to bring new businesses to Florida, especially manufacturers, and to allow existing businesses to hire again. We can create jobs by developing our energy resources while also lowering the cost of energy. This, in turn, will also free up more dollars for businesses to grow and thrive.

We also need to examine our state university and county community college curriculums to ensure that they are offering classes to students that will allow them to compete in the 21st Century job market.

To learn how to help or donate to Steven's campaign, go to Elect Rosenblum

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