Sunday, August 22, 2010

Power and Money

Virtually all politicians are against Amendment 4, the very people who have screwed up our State, along with business groups and the building industry. All five candidates running for Attorney General said, "It would take power away from local officials."
With the majority of elected officials, it is all about POWER.

The opposition to amendment 4 that is associated with the Florida Chamber of Commerce at the helm says, "It will cost jobs." How will it do that? There is land all over our State ready to develop right now and zoned accordingly. Why don't they just build? Right now there is 1.3 billion square feet of office and commercial land ready to build upon. That equates to about 13,000 new Wal-Marts. There are multi-millions of residential units pre-approved that would right now accommodate 100 million new residents to our State. Again, why don't they build? They keep giving bogus arguments. They want the entire State to asphalt over.
With them, it is all about MONEY.

Power and money can lead to corruption and that is what has happened in our State. We have witnessed it in Palm Beach County. Elected officials went to prison.

"Land development is the engine that cyclically booms and busts Florida's economy. WPBT-Ch. 2 devoted an hourlong documentary to the issue. The PBS affiliate recently aired 'Imagining a New Florida,' and the program should rouse every caring Floridian to action.

It raises the most important question for the future of the Sunshine State: Can we continue to allow developers to abuse and misuse the landscape and destroy the state for their short-term profit, as they have done for decades?" Apparently the answer was a resounding "no."

The answer is to vote YES on Amendment 4 on November 2.

Amendment 4 Advocates

US Senate
Maurice Ferre

Florida Governor
Brian P. Moore

Martin County Commission
Ed Fielding, District 2
Sarah Heard, District 4

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