Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Pearly Whites and Political Sound-bites

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The only thing HOT today will be the weather

This is what it looked like at Our Savior Lutheran this morning...one Brandenburg sign--oh yeah, instructions on where to vote written in Spanish. The bottom right shows two lonely signs at The Towers--Clemens and Brandenburg. There were only three voters who had cast ballots before me at 8:30 am.

Negative campaigning turned ugly and the closer it got to today, the more calls we got and the more fliers invaded our mailboxes, each one worse than the last. We all feel like yo yos. We ask, "Does that guy think we will vote him into office because he has a lot of bucks?" Heidi Fleiss for gosh sakes. Naked party gals on his yacht. Robo calls from him, his mother and then his wife. Well, he got the endorsement of the Post.

Our former Mayor also got the endorsement of the PB Post but Brandenburg got it from The Lake Worth Herald. Will the pearly whites and the political sound bites win it for Clemens?

Statewide, about 216,000 voters have cast absentee ballots.

As Col. Allen West says, "The 2010 election could prove to be the most important election of our lifetime. In order to restore dignity, integrity, character and honor back to Washington, we need your support. Please help us bring principled leadership back to Congress." Vote for Allen West for Congress.

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