Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Ode to Amendment 4 - Vote Yes


Letters to the Editor for Aug. 8, 2010
Published: Sunday, August 8, 2010 at 6:30 a.m.

Yes on 4

Developers have had their way for many, many years. And voters, we have had no say but shed, perhaps, some tears.

Big money and the gangsters want another mall. Together with the banksters, they're choking us in sprawl.

They don't seem to care about the mess that they have made. But surely now, no one can doubt their favorite word is "pave."

Our taxes climb to all-time highs to pay for all this pain. But they just keep on telling lies pretending it's our gain.

What happened to the critters whose habitat is lost?

It must give them the jitters; they also pay the cost.

But now, we say "enough of this."

Indeed, we want no more.

What they call growth, we will not miss.

Vote "yes" on Amendment 4.

P.S. Collins

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