Sunday, August 15, 2010

Martin County tries to beat Amendment 4

The Martin County Defender
The e-newsletter for aware citizens

The (unmentioned) elephant in the room

At the 13-hour County Commission meeting on 8/10/10, a flood of words were devoted to finding ways to circumvent DCA rejection of Comp Plan changes benefiting landowners. Yet the two words which underpin the pressure to downgrade Comp Plan protections immediately were never uttered. Even advocates for the changes admitted that it would be years before the development they want would take place.

Why change land use rules now?

It’s those two words: “Amendment 4.” Let’s say it louder: Amendment 4. Developer-business special interests know that given the opportunity to veto these harmful changes, voters would say NO. Amendment 4 gives residents that power, so the smart money and their Commission lackeys are trying to beat the Nov. 2 deadline.

There is good reason for developers and land speculators to be concerned. A poll by South Florida Business Journal asked if readers support Amendment 4. 64% said YES. 29% said NO. 7% said NOT SURE. Realize that these are readers of a business journal, not the Tree Huggers Gazette.

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