Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Jeff Clemens campaign flier

I guess by now, everyone has received this humongous flier in the mail from Jeff Clemens, candidate for House Rep District 89. Not sure which is bigger--the flier or the exaggerations.

In it he states that he introduced major ethics ordinances. When did you do this, Jeff?

As I recall, it was Commissioner Jennings who first brought this forward in June 2008 after doing extensive research on an Ethics Policy. It came back in July as I recall and Larry Karns, city attorney, was asked to get an opinion from the Attorney General for the September meeting. In September, it came back to the Commission and Karns said that the State would not comment on our Ethics Policy. Jennings referenced a policy that New Jersey had entitled "Pay to Play." Clemens had a problem with the name of it because it insinuated that maybe Lake Worth was corrupt.

The Commission went round and round and Jennings' attempt to have an Ethics Policy for the City of Lake Worth failed on a 3/2 vote with Jennings and Golden voting for one. Lowe, Clemens and Vespo vote NO to ethics.

So, again, Jeff--what did you to to claim I "introduced major ethics ordinances?"

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