Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Gaga needs to be Gagged

Gaga would fit well in any Sanctuary City or even a Loony Bin. Talking to screaming teenage imbeciles, she is a hit. Again, these losers don't understand that the issue is ILLEGAL immigrants not those coming here in the legal way. I hate phonies and her entire persona is just that.

A Madonna wannbe, this Lady Gaga needs to be gagged. In June 2010, Forbes listed Gaga fourth on its list of the 100 Most Powerful and Influential celebrities in the world; she is also ranked as the second most powerful musician in the world. No wonder our world is rapidly crumbling around us.

1 comment:

  1. I can't stand her but then I'm 50 years old. There were some who didn't like Elvis either.
