Monday, August 23, 2010

Former candidate for Mayor speaks out against Jeff Clemens

Palm Beach Post
August 23, 2010

In December 2007, the Lake Worth City Commission voted on whether to give the five-year notice required to disengage from the Florida Municipal Power Association, our punitively expensive electricity provider since 2002. Jeff Clemens was the third vote against exiting this contract, thus extending our obligation to use FMPA as sole provider for an additional year.

In December 2008, Suzanne Mulvehill was the third vote to exit FMPA, so we will be free to contract with a less expensive supplier starting in 2014.

Lake Worth's commercial electric rates are the highest in the state, and our residential rates are 1.5 times greater than those enjoyed by Florida Power & Light customers. Lake Worth residents will continue to be burdened by these punitive rates throughout 2013 because of Jeff Clemens' uninformed vote.


Lake Worth

Note: Jeff Clemens is a candidate for House Rep District 89

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