Friday, August 6, 2010

Follow the Money

Our Amendment 4 opponents collected 30 X more contributions than Florida Hometown Democracy from April 1 to July 16th, $4.7 million to our $138,573. A review of their benefactors show building industry corporations, the banks, the real estate people, the lawyers, architects, and suppliers. All actively trying to protect their self interests.

From the bunch that crashed Florida's economy, they have the audacity to name themselves..... Citizens For Lower Taxes & A Stronger Economy.

Yeah, real estate taxes came down because our homes were devalued by their modus operandi of build anything, anywhere, all the time. Obviously our economy is in the tank with Florida ranked #1 in the nation for mortgage foreclosures.

Joyce Tarnow
Cross City, Florida
Floridians for a Sustainable Population

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