Thursday, August 12, 2010

Finance Advisory Board to hold Special Meeting

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As the City Commission is meeting on Monday to once again discuss the budget and specifically the casino financing, a special meeting of the Finance Advisory Board will be held tomorrow night at 6pm at City Hall. This meeting has been called in order to amend a motion made on Wednesday night regarding the Casino Business Plan.

Vice Chair, John Pickett, has called this meeting in order to be more specific on the type of financing the Board wants to recommend to the City Commission on the Casino project. They had talked about the three types of financing but never could arrive at a decision. Ron Exline, had asked on about four occasions if anyone wanted to amend the motion. Mr. Pickett said last night that he felt that they were shunning their responsibility by not naming a funding source. No one spoke up or made a motion to amend.

Now the Board will have the opportunity to amend and also get more details to support the City's Cash Flow Portfolio for casino financing. Unfortunately Chair Exline has another commitment.

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