Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Finance Advisory Board Lake Worth

One obvious impression over the last two days of meetings is that the Finance Advisory Board is exactly what Chair Exline has always said—the Commission will make up its own mind regardless of what the Board says.

This is what the Commission did last night when choosing a finance structure for the Casino even though the one they decided upon was heavily supported by John Pickett, Board member, who even called a special meeting on the plan at Stanton's urging. Let's hope that City Hall does not get into trouble like Buena Vista, Virginia.

This was also readily apparent when it came to downtown parking. All four Commissioners in attendance yesterday seemed to want to go forward with the installation of pay-stations. Suzanne Mulvehill was the only commissioner who stated, "It is our job to support business." She also wanted to check with the downtown businesses. Mayor Varela stated, "We are forced by the economic downturn... this is important in good and bad times." He liked pay-stations. Vice Chair Golden even stated, “I can’t understand why the FAB did not approve of them.”

Well, Vice Mayor, perhaps it might hurt our downtown businesses? Perhaps people will go dine and shop somewhere else? Perhaps shoppers don't like meters or pay-stations or the hassle of it all? Perhaps the amount of revenue derived is just not worth the risk? Lake Worth has always been a draw because of free parking. But it was the same old philosophy of charging more to the people here because of a revenue need. Charge the shoppers and let those who don't want to pay, walk from 3 blocks away...not consumer friendly. The downtown is hurting. Just ask the DCA. We should be doing all that we can do build up our downtown, not put obstacles in its pathway to success. We should stop screwing the residents of this city.

Also the Commission majority was against red-light cameras whereas the FAB approved of them in “concept.” Safety is not the issue here. It has always been about revenue. The amount of revenue the City might have received is highly questionable whereas the costs are not. Darrian Dority, FAB member, was spot on in his disapproval of red-light cameras.

The other impression I had was that the Commission is not the least bit interested in the Finance Advisory Board, not even reading the Board's motions or stating one correctly. They are advisory to someone but it is not the Commission, not really.

The FAB has had “an appearance of an ethics violation” charge by another member. It has been cautioned about sun-shine violations by the City Clerk. In the beginning meetings of the Board, a few members tried very hard to get Exline removed as Chair--it was political. The Board was encouraged by and is a lobbying arm for the city manager but some on the Board are trying hard to be independent thinkers. In order to be any voice of influence, this Board must be free of any collusion or outside direction. And the Commission should at least ask for the Board's opinions.

This Board is still several steps higher than the Community Relations Board but I believe that they will soon discover that they do not have to meet as often. The decision makers are not really listening.

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