Friday, August 13, 2010

Dr. McVoy candidate for Commissioner District 2?

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Christopher McVoy, 1514 15th Ave N, picked up a candidate packet today in order to file for Commissioner District 2. Once he is certified, (he has two business days left) he must step down from the Planning & Zoning Board.

Chris is an environmental scientist at the South Florida Water Management District and one of the most environmentally conscientious people I have ever met. Back in 2002 it was said that he uncovered fatal flaws in the $8.4 billion plan to restore the Everglades and environmentalists agreed. Jonathan Ullman who at that time was the South Florida leader of the Sierra Club said, "I think his work is brilliant. He's like a detective. He's trying to figure out what things were like before the crime was committed."

This is just the sort of person we need as a Commissioner--one that will do the research and seek the truth and arrive with the best way to proceed.

He grew up in Wisconsin and has spent time living in Costa Rica, Germany and the Netherlands. With a doctorate in soil science from Cornell, he arrived in South Florida in 1995 as an employee of the Environmental Defense Fund, an advocacy group that has fought the district in court over its handling of the Everglades.

Chris-- PhD degreed, scientist, folk dancer, peace activist, part-time yoga instructor and speaker of six languages, is now possibly a strong candidate for Commissioner District 2. We will know by Noon Tuesday.

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