Monday, August 30, 2010

Commissions don't listen to the voters - We need Amendment 4

"Proposed Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy, will be presented to the voters in the November elections. This proposed amendment would give voters an opportunity to vote on major changes to a community’s growth management plan. Under current law, major changes to our growth management plan are decided by county commissioners. Many communities are now suffering from severe water restrictions, declining home values, as well as real estate taxes that are still too high.

The root cause of these ills has been the failure of our community to adhere to its growth management plan. County commissioners just can’t say no to special business interests when it comes to plan amendments, their future campaign cash depends on it."

Read more about it HERE

Today, the PB County Commission approved of changes at Lion Country Safari allowing for 250 more homes to be built. Even the DCA objected saying it would contribute to urban sprawl. Kilday & Associates (land planners that are everywhere...they even stuck their neck into the Sunset property) wanted it. Jess Santamaria said "yes." Karen Marcus was the only dissenting vote.

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