Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Beach and Casino Zoning - Learning something New

As I was sitting in the pew prior to the beginning of Monday night's commission meeting, I said that I guessed that I wouldn’t be learning anything new. The presentation had already been made before the Finance Advisory Board which I had attended. Phil Materio reminded me that there is always something new and he was so right.

With much astonishment, I learned that restaurant space at the casino was no longer considered as part of the 7,200 allowable space at the Casino or "retail." When the zoning was PROS and these spaces were grandfathered in, the entire sum of the square footage of all the spaces (this included John G's as well as the other two restaurants), was 7,200 square feet. Now with the BAC commercial zoning, retail is allowed up to 7,200 sq. ft. but restaurant space is separate with no restrictions on allowable square footage.

Lisa Maxwell, candidate for Commissioner District 4, was a member of our Planning and Zoning Board when it methodically and diligently changed the zoning at the beach to commercial in order to accommodate the flim flam man. There is nothing in this new zoning (BAC) that addresses how many square feet can be allotted to restaurants. The entire building coverage can be up to 15% of the total acreage.

Go to Muni Code, Beach and Casino.

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