Friday, August 27, 2010

Amendment 4 sign waving on Lantana Road

Amendment 4 is an amendment that all developers and most politicians simply hate. That's a given. But occasionally we run into someone who says, "Oh, no, that would hurt jobs in Florida." When asked to explain, they have no explanation at all. They have been reading all the paid propaganda from the opposition that represents the Florida Chamber and building industries.

Those entities also state and get published, mistruths like, "Oh a city would have to wait for 2 years before they could get something done at a general election." This is not the fact of the matter. They continue on with the lie regarding St. Pete Beach as an example of why it would not work stating St. Pete Beach has amendment 4. It doesn't.

They have the money and a huge war chest
manned by paid professionals to perpetuate the lies.
$6 million dollars is coming right at us and we know that money can convince.

Amendment 4 has only the truth.

Katie McGiveron, Chair of Save Our Neighborhood, Inc.

With dark clouds coming in from the West, the weather held up for us on Lantana Road and Highridge. We had several cars beeping, one even had a Vote No sign in its window--must have been a developer or Realtor or Chamber member.

Someone yelled at David, "I thought the election was over."

Anyone wanting to wave signs this evening (weather permitting), get in touch. LaSonna?

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