Sunday, August 29, 2010

Amendment 4 is a David and Goliath Vote

Everyone knows that Amendment 4, Florida Hometown Democracy, is fighting the big bucks to win its grassroots initiative on November 2. It is a blitzkrieg of development interests and they plan to squash, like a bug, anyone who has any belief that the citizens of Florida might interfere with their ability to make more big bucks. They are deathly afraid that we the people might just not want that development in our community...we might not want that shopping center encroaching on the Everglades. They have amassed a big fighting machine filled with $$$$$ as well as lies and plan on running over all of us "little people" on election day.

It is all about greed versus protecting our State from corruption, sprawl, more empty units, more foreclosures and higher taxes. This really is a David and Goliath vote.

To the argument that people have the right to develop what they want on their land... yes they do but only when your Comprehensive Plan allows for that development. And that has been the problem...corrupt and or inept public officials that have allowed land-use changes for developers and to the detriment of their communities all across Florida. Amendment 4 will put a stop to that practice. If that land is not zoned for that development, the people will have the right to vote on it. Afterall, everything your city commission does affects you, the taxpayer. Look at some of the stupid and costly decisions made by past commissions right here in Lake Worth. Think The Lucerne.

David won it once. We need your help to do it again. Vote YES on Amendmen4 this November 2.

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