Sunday, August 29, 2010

Alumni Spaghetti Dinner

I would estimate about 400 people there today at Lake Worth High School for the Alumni Foundation Annual Spaghetti Dinner. Kathy Snyder Graves, Class of '53, was the chairperson and she did a fabulous job--from her committees on table decorations, to programs, to even our own Katie McGiveron along with her daughter Shay, cutting vegetables for 3 hours. I took 62 photos and below are a few.

On my way out someone stopped me to say "hello." It was Nona Childs Holt, one of my oldest and dearest friends from way back when we were kids and majorettes together at LW High. Nona and her husband live in Coral Springs but will be up for the Reunion in October. My childhood friend, Randy Hall was there. Lonnie Mills, Class of '61 was the MC and did a little Johnny Cash. Decades of graduating classes were represented and we all had a good time.

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