Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Alley Fighter

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The negative is beginning and I say, bring it on. In fact, post under your complete and true name.

Chris, I do believe that you need an education on Amendment 4. I would be happy to enlighten. Get in touch. Or perhaps you are a developer, Realtor a Chamber member? Then there is no hope. You all are, for the most part, into your own self-enrichment or you follow the leader similar to sheep to slaughter.

It is a fact that over-development has been a detriment to our State. Call me anytime if you want to learn more. I will promise not to call you any disparaging name and will treat you with respect that you so obviously do not deserve.

Chris (last name unknown) commented on Wes Blackman's blog calling me a loony tune. I doubt seriously if I have had two words of a conversation with him. He doesn't sound like my "kind of guy."

This is always the "other side's" best argument. We are loony or wackos, both or worse. In many cases they are pseudo-sophisticates and believe that they are totally on a higher plane of intelligence than we common folks. If you have a different political point of view, this small minded group is out to attack with malice. Bring it on, Chris. I'll meet you in the back alley anytime, anyplace. That is what you are, right? An alley fighter?


  1. I thought it Loretta who called people names like loony. You could beat her up.

  2. I don't agree with that at all. Loretta is fearless (a trait that I admire) and would post under her own name.

  3. It was inappropriate for Mayor Varela to be seen at this event. As for this dirty pac that circumvents the law, why are you surprised? This group thinks NOTHING of breaking the law for their own enrichment.
