Monday, July 5, 2010

Workshop on Beach Redevelopment and Casino

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This is what they want to destroy
Not enough green for the Commission

Update: Wav sound about dropping off the kids.
De je vu Greater Bay but much the same idea today.

Essentially there have always been four core issues that are very important to me and I expound on them over and over again: Sunset and the Comprehensive Plan, Florida Hometown Democracy and our right to vote on how we want our city to look when it comes to land-use changes; Illegal Immigration and our Lake Worth Beach.

Tomorrow morning beginning at 8:30, there will be a discussion on the beach redevelopment and a status report by Kimley-Horn, the engineering firm that was chosen by Staff as the architect/engineer on the project. Their presentation will involve survey updates, site plan modifications, landscaping drawings, etc.

As most of you know, our entire beachfront property will be re-designed: parking lots, open spaces, traffic flow landscaping and restroom facilities. The upper level parking is being greatly reduced to provide green space and a Jungle Jim for little kids. Also affected will be decal parking that has now been reduced to 50 spaces at the north end of our property below the dune.

This will be gone as well as MOST of the parking on the upper level

This is a decision that was made by your elected officials. The people had no say and no vote other than a few hundred people who were encouraged by "green" elected officials who desired Michael Singer's plan. Although Mayor Varela was not yet elected, he was the one behind the design approving Michael Singer and enthusiastically brought it to Commissioner Jennings. Ask him about losing your decal parking and the ability to park where you want and why the Commission is so obsessed with all things "green" when one Commissioner doesn't even believe in grass.

Literally we are taking $5 million from PB County to redesign parking lots that when completed, will give you no ocean view when you drive up to the beach. You will be able to drop off your family at the top and drive back down to the lower level (the Greater Bay concept) to park unless you are lucky enough to find a parking space across from Benny’s, as these spaces will be reduced by 164.

Following this will be REG Architects on the future Charette on our Casino which is scheduled for August 21 from 3 to 6pm at Compass. Living Designs Group was allowed to sneak in through the back door because of political pressure and Staff that allowed it to happen with NO objection from the Commission. They (all of them) are responsible for this. Don’t forget that one Commissioner has said that “history doesn’t do anything for me,” so look for a stacked deck of “green” people and modern/art deco types to sabotage our historical Casino design. To attend the Charette, Click HERE.

Or is it this they want to screw up for $5 million dollars?
(Lower level parking lot)
Not enough "green" for them

See video from Lake Worth Media that discusses the reduced parking, the change of zoning and the Petitions that were certified by the Supervisor of Elections office that NEVER were allowed to proceed thanks to the Commission and We Love Lake Worth PAC that was sued by the City of Lake Worth. And after all the PAC went through, it allowed itself to be compromised and bullied by their political friends, the same politicians who usually champion the rights of the people. When it came to the beach, they turned a deaf ear. The will of the people was no longer important, only their own green agenda. "We know best," they said..."you don't." "Right" is what we tell you it is.

1 comment:

  1. The "they know best" attitude certied Nobodiesand Have nots, are not paying our taxes ,and will have nothing to say if we the tax payers stand up against these ill-mannered, culturally stunted low end primitives!
    Dee Mcnamara
