Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Reaching Out Goes a Long Way

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From the South Florida Gay

Cut and pasted from the article: "Lisa Maxwell, running for the Lake Worth City Commission's District 4 seat, was omitted from our previous article on gay candidates running for office in south Florida. Maxwell, a long-time out south Florida business woman, has decades of experience working with multi-million dollar budgets and public/private partnerships. She is shaking things up in Lake Worth in many ways and hers promises to be the race to watch."

I took a photo of Ms. Maxwell when she was at the lectern last night at City Hall. She seemed to be annoyed at that because after she sat down right behind me, she stuck her cell phone camera right in my face and proceeded to take a couple of shots saying something to the affect, like "I don't know you," or whatever. I am rather sure there are tens of thousands of people in Lake Worth who don't know me but I am not running for office, she is. If she doesn't know me, perhaps as a politician she should be reaching out, not getting in my face.

It is time for political figures, especially those running for office, to get used to the fact that their photo will be taken. The photo I took last night will not appear here as it was not the most flattering and I do want to be fair. It is also a great idea to start being nice to people when you are running for office. It goes a long way in the vote department. Take some lessons from Jeff Clemens. Smile. Be friendly.

So, the only thing that Ms. Maxwell managed to shake up last night was her cell phone camera that was right in my face.


  1. Lisa Maxwell is a very mean person.Lisa Maxwell is a bully. Lisa Maxwell voted to destroy an entire Lake Osborne single family neighborhood .Lisa Maxwell thought that two out of town failed land speculators/flippers were more important than the families of lake Worth.Lisa Maxwell was horribly rude to citizens appearing before the Planning and zoning board before she was kicked off of the planning and zoning board.LISA MAXWELL COULDN'T EVEN BOTHER TO SHOW UP FOR PLANNING AND ZONING MEETINGS !A bad tempered irrational behaving person like Maxwell has no business making decisions for the entire city.If elected,Lisa Maxwell will cater to her developer friends and spit on the citizens.Lisa Maxwell gives the gay community a bad name.

  2. I happened to be sitting close enough to witness Ms. Maxwell boorishly placing her camera scant inches away from Lynn Anderson’s face. This less than gracious display was accompanied with equally less than gracious words. Such a fuss! Lynn is delightfully interested in everybody and everything, including local candidates. Ms. Maxwell should be flattered!

    My personal take, Ms. Maxwell does seem to have an acrimonious nature… I have never seen her smile.
