Comment Up
UPDATE: I was told by a Commissioner that the reason there was NO public commentary for those items pulled in the Consent Agenda, Unfinished or New Business was that the Chamber was literally emptied after Public Commentary. Those advocates for the Mentoring Center stacked the Chamber.
Right now at City Hall there is public commentary regarding The Resource Center, aka, Illegal Hiring Hall. People are actually speaking in SPANISH!!! And when they complete their two minutes, they get applause.
Who stacked this Chamber once again? Which Commissioners? Lisa Wilson? Both? More? Progressives? People who live off of government for their very existence? People who are hell bent on ruining our city? Who?
This lack of government response to the illegal problem has been one of the main reasons many people sympathize with and support Arizona's SB 1070. We have "had it" and have no understanding why elected officials here and elsewhere turn their head and do not enforce the Constitution and the law.
Commission support for illegal immigration as well as support for The Mentoring Center that leases a city building for $1 a year and gets everything provided to them for free, and a facility that caters to the illegal alien, will not be forgotten in November.
... Not quite literally… I was there until the meeting adjourned.