Thursday, July 1, 2010

Politics and City Boards

Don’t ever try applying for a City Board. I mean it. Unless you are unknown and not involved in issues or politics, you might have a prayer.

Shanon Materio asked me the other night why don’t I apply to a city board and my answer was, "I’m not a masochist." The truth of the matter is--I wouldn't get picked for dog catcher in this City. Charles Manson has a better chance. Applying for a City Board takes much more than guts. Dee McNamara applies every year and is still never chosen. She would have been a real enthusiast on the Historical Preservation Board and her heart is in the right place when it comes to Lake Worth. Sometimes it is best not to wear your heart on your sleeve.

If you are a “winner,” probably in the next 5 minutes of the commissioners’ vote you will be a “loser.” That’s what happened last night at the Board applicant voting. And it happened more than once when tallies were manipulated and re-votes cast. It was not an honest process in spite of the Mayor saying that the process wasn’t corrupt but it could be more clean.

Lobbying for your favorite applicant is one thing but you do it BEFORE the vote, not AFTER the tally is counted and the numbers are in. In fact, waiting 24 hours to cast votes for the CRA just breeds corruption. The votes should be cast on the same night the applicants apply.

This got Commissioner Scott Maxwell so mad--all the manipulation; he sounded off to the rest of the four and left the room for the entire voting process not to return until after Midnight when the games were over.

John Paxman with 9 years experience on the Planning & Zoning Board is out. His past votes caught up to him this time in spite of the fact he lead the P&Z like no one else. I was thinking about him this morning and thought about the Chair position and right away I thought of Tony Masilotti. Tony could lead that PB Commission like no other, just like John on Planning & Zoning.

Paxman had the skill to turn things around to his point of view; he has charm and charisma and is well liked. I feel bad today for John in spite of the fact he went against Sunset, a cause for which I have been involved for five years. I always feel bad when someone “loses” particularly when they are so highly qualified. The Commission gave the reason of allowing others to be a part of the City by being on Boards and pointed out John’s long service…"give the other guy a chance" is what they said but the real reasons were not discussed.

Dorothy Block
I give Mary Lindsey a lot of credit for applying and her continued enthusiasm for this City. Although not picked for a Board, this is just not “her commission.” There were others who interviewed who were great. They would have been assets for anything. Dorothy Block got chosen for the Historic Resources Preservation Board—a great choice. We are lucky to have her service.

It always amazes me that we have so many talented people in Lake Worth and people who want to step up and continually apply. Congratulations to all who were chosen to help make our City a better place. Just don't knock yourself out because the next time around, you might be kayoed by the next Commission. This is all politics.

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