Saturday, July 3, 2010

Old Bridge Park Saved by the Citizens of Lake Worth

The Park was saved but not the celebration, other than in spirit.

I find it a real shame that after 5 years, the annual celebration for saving Old Bridge Park from condo development and an event strictly funded by citizens (mostly the McNamara's) as well as volunteers giving time and money, had to be canceled.

The City can find all sorts of ways to waste money, spend money, and even lose money, but when it comes time for the 4th at Old Bridge, it had no desire to step up with even one little penny to help with this event, an annual tradition. All the residents and visitors are the losers here. Next year, hopefully we citizens can fund raise and bring it back. Below is Mr. McNamara's message--

Hello Friends,

In case you have not yet heard, I am not planning to host our July 4th barbecue at Old Bridge Park. The event has been a great pleasure for five years but unfortunately I am unable to do it this year.

The original Old Bridge Park barbecue in 2005 celebrated our enormous success at saving Old Bridge Park. That success endures. Old Bridge Park remains a clear symbol of what we can accomplish together to preserve our community.

Dee and I will stop by Old Bridge Park at some point to say a little prayer of gratitude for what we all accomplished. Maybe some of you would like to the same.

I wish to thank everyone for all the help you have provided for this event over the years.

And a very happy 4th of July to all!



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