Monday, July 19, 2010

Monolithic slabs (blobs) or Pavers?

Which is more appealing?


Monolithic slab, as the name suggests, is a single layer of concrete, several inches thick. The slab is poured thicker at the edges, to form an integral footing; reinforcing rods strengthen the thickened edge. The slab normally rests on a bed of crushed gravel to improve drainage. Casting a wire mesh in the concrete reduces the chance of cracking. It is one continuous blob as opposed to typical practice of pouring the sidewalk separate from the curb and one slab at a time.

If you build on soft clay soil or if there's a soft zone under part of your foundation, there can be trouble. A footing that performs well in good soil may not do so well in weak bearing conditions. We don't often see outright failure, but it's not uncommon to see excessive settlement when soil bearing capacity is low. These are the reasons why every monolithic slab is inspected by city or county inspectors before the slab is poured. Source: Hayes Concrete

Or this?

Because Life is Beautiful Michael Singer said that they will be installing monolithic slabs at our beachfront redevelopment instead of pavers, I am calling this to your attention. We have $5 million at our disposal to improve the beach. Right now, we are getting a re-design of our parking lots (really a stupid waste of money), a bunch of trees (a good thing) a bathroom facility with a design that is not the least bit appealing and monolithic slabs for walkways.

Does this turn you on?

Read the PB Post's latest PR on the LW Beach.

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