Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Latin American countries join law suit

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Actually, the only rights you have are to GO HOME.

The governments of Colombia, Guatemala and Peru are joining six other Latin American countries by filing legal motions to oppose Arizona’s tough new law against illegal immigration.

Read about it HERE.

We will probably next be reading where the United States government gave them a loan to sue us.

1 comment:

  1. Sort of like the LEAGUE OF CITIES helping Lake Worth to sue their OWN CITIZENS ! And SCREW YOU ,GOLDEN, for actually PRAISING these crooks. Jennings and Mulvehill should also be ashamed for keeping us in bed with these crooks.Good luck at campaign time girls. I won't be handing out your literature or lifting a finger for you ! Get the wonderful illegals to help you .They owe you.Your own CITIZENS DON'T !!!!!
