Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Lake Worth "Resource" Center - Grabbing the Cash

The Resource Center in Lake Worth is still promoting itself and still applying for Federal grants. That's what it's all about. The government will spend the money anyway so why not apply for all available federal money?

The feds provide millions in funding for projects aimed at improving the health and well-being of just about everyone, even The Mentoring Center and its owners. We are an entitlement country. The owners of this center know exactly how to work the system --

Yesterday, we got a double whammy from the Palm Beach Post. Dan Moffett, former member of the Post Editorial Board, wrote another pro-illegal immigration column. This time it was in support of the Mentoring Center, aka, illegal hiring hall, saying that Lake Worth and Jupiter should be held up as examples on how to get illegals off the streets (that's a good one) and intimated that we don't have problems with illegals because Jupiter and Lake Worth recognized that foreign workers "contributed mightily to their local economies." He also made reference to the law suit in Fremont that was forcing that city, because of the huge cost of defense, to back down on doing the right thing of implementing the law. What planet are you on, Dan?

All this has done is to encourage more and more illegal aliens to come to Lake Worth, to live here in over-crowded conditions who contribute to, and are a big cause of, the slum and the blight. This is what happens when you have a Sanctuary City and a government that believes it is all about "social justice" rather than protecting the citizens of their city, their State and their country. These politicians missed their true calling--a nun or a priest, not an elected government official.

The next article was about Lisa Wilson's Mentoring Center teaching a class of a dozen people on how to install solar panels...a minimum wage job. This is about the silliest waste of tax dollars yet but hey, it's Grant money--free. The government sets up these green jobs "scams" and there are always people smart enough to take advantage of them and elected officials stupid enough to believe in it all.

With their hands out, the owners of The Mentoring Center get hand dollars that give them an excellent standard of living and they do everything within their power to perpetuate the legal breakfast for the lunch...more illegal aliens...job training for minimum wage...we teacha the Inglés...and FREE publicity paid for by you and by me, written by leftest regressive "progressive" thinking reporters of the Palm Beach Post who encourage the survival of their "American dream.

When will this legal nightmare end? When will the media report the real facts of the matter and interview the taxpaying citizen and hear what he demands from its government, (implementing the law) not the ACLU or those who are parasites? And does anyone think it just a coincidence that two articles appeared in favor of The Mentoring Center just when our city manager has proposed taking back our property from this group?

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