Saturday, July 17, 2010

Illinois thinking about an Arizona Law

“The State is broke,” Rep Mitchell of Illinois said. “Yet we continue to spend billions of taxpayer dollars on welfare for illegal aliens. Just this week, a new study indicated that illegal immigration costs Illinois taxpayers nearly $4.6 billion. This comes on the heels of the state audit of the All Kids program, which showed that 75 percent of the enrollees are undocumented immigrants. Enough is enough.”

Read more about Illinois adopting an Arizona type law

Here in Lake Worth, living around a lot of undocumented people and an activist, regressive, "Progressive" commission advocating for their "rights" instead of citizens, it leads some of us to believe that our thinking is upside down...that it is really we who have caused these people to have unfortunate lives. They throw this "social justice" garbage at you and you fall for the bait. Don't let that ever happen to you.

20 more States including 9 that just joined the Arizona Brief.

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