Friday, July 23, 2010

Illegal Border Crossing

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"Armed groups that have attacked our citizens; carried out kidnappings, attacked our armed forces; slipping over a 1,400 mile border; taking shelter on our territory.”

No, we are not talking about the U.S./Mexican border. This is Venezuela, the country of Ana remember her. Its president, Chavez, is complaining about Colombia nationals/terrorists crossing the borders of his country illegally. Hey, Hugo, we can relate!

He has now severed relations with Colombia, blaming the U.S. Well, why not. That's what Socialists do. I'm surprised he didn't throw in the "racist" word too.

Although Venezuela's government is ostensibly claimed to be a federal republic, it is very rapidly becoming a tryannical dictatorship under "President" Hugo Chavez. He has "nationalized" all foreign business activities, and his followers have either killed or driven out most of the affluent business class. It is suspected that he intends to create another Cuba.

You can bet that this president will take action on securing his borders.

Read about it HERE

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