Friday, July 9, 2010

Honor our Laws and our Language

Article II, Section 9, of the Florida Constitution provides that "English is the official language of the State of Florida." This provision was adopted in 1988 by a vote following an Initiative Petition.

This is just another law that the State does not adhere nor does the City of Lake Worth. It is costing millions to print material in other languages and that was just one of the reasons back in 1988 that voters in the State wanted English as its official language. We see printed matter in other languages here in Lake Worth, even signs at our beach.

To tie up a city commission meeting with people, some of whom are most likely (they always are at these things and brag about it to boot) here illegally, speaking Spanish with an interpreter, has gone beyond reasonable. For illegal aliens to come in and demand free services, in a free building where they have even demanded toilet paper...The Mentoring Center, a Lake Worth city building... is an insult to all citizens of Lake Worth.

Our progressive commission chooses to forget State and Federal law and all Commissioners who continually ignore the laws and stick it in the face of the citizens, should step down. But they believe there are "bad" laws and laws that should be broken. Actually some must believe that laws are just inconveniences to their personal beliefs. They don't listen to the citizens only the stacked chamber of their supporters...domestic terrorists.

They even give you the finger. Where is ICE?
Mary Lindsey's expression says it all

There were people telling us at the commission meeting that they are learning English but still could not speak it. When you provide a Sanctuary City such as this Commission has done (along with the help of Jeff Clemens who is running for State Rep District 89--heaven help Florida), there is no incentive for any immigrant to learn our language or assimilate into our culture. NONE. When the PBSO applied a $500,000 grant in the illegal neighborhood to help with crime, you know we have big problems.

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