Thursday, July 29, 2010

Greater Bay Lawsuit - a Bastard from the Beginning

Peter Willard
No, we haven't forgotten you
Those who were in power and want desperately to grab it back this November, (the Dirty Dozen) are the ones responsible for Greater Bay in the first place. They are the ones behind those commissioners who voted to allow this group on our property and enter a contract with the City--never even bothering to do the basic due diligence on the company and Willard. They still, from time to time, like to bring up the $40 million bogus law suit filed by Greater Bay (Willard) and seem to relish in its very existence.

You know what's frustrating? Never knowing what the heck is going on when it comes to law suits in the City of Lake Worth. I well understand why this is privileged but it is still frustrating. Why isn’t our outside attorney, Brian Joslyn, counter suing Greater Bay? At least we have a case.

Greater Bay is in Discovery right now. Instead of depositions, at the moment they are asking for written interrogatories. This entire suit just drags on and on. This is the strategy. They want to drag this out so that our legal fees go up and up. The legal suit was filed on November 16, 2009 and now, eight months later, Greater Bay has finally reached the Discovery stage. The last filing by them was on July 19th asking the City to produce more information.

"In American law, discovery is the pre-trial phase in a lawsuit in which each party through the law of civil procedure can request documents and other evidence from other parties and can compel the production of evidence by using a subpoena or through other discovery devices, such as requests for production of documents, and depositions. In other words, discovery includes (1) interrogatories; (2) motions or requests for production of documents; (3) requests for admissions; and (4) depositions.”

Ok then. Let’s do our own Discovery if we are not going to counter-sue for the shoddy pool refurbishment, and we should sue...let’s ask the following of Greater Bay:
  • Income tax records for Greater Bay and Peter Willard personally for the last 5 years.
  • Copies of all telephone bills and e-mails for both for the last 5 years prior to the Development Contract.
  • Copy of any and all lawsuits for both of the above.
  • List of all business dealings for both.
  • List of all credit card charges for the above.
This prolongment by GB and constant request for information is only to run up bills and to impose obstacles and hindrances to get the City frustrated so that the City settles with Willard and Greater Bay. You have to wonder if his lawyer took this case on some sort of a contingency. It has been a bastard from day one. Why aren't we getting aggressive? Or maybe we don't have to.

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