Monday, July 12, 2010

Financial Advisory Board

Last week the Financial Advisory Board discussed two issues: red-light cameras and parking stations at our downtown.

According to the City Manager's report in her first paragraph entitled FAB Deliberations, "the FAB recommended that the City proceed with the implementation of the red-light camera program next fiscal year."

According to my notes, the FAB approved of the "concept" of the red-light camera program with Laurel Decker saying that she never saw a revenue she didn't like, but the Board wanted the revenue compensation amounts to the City put on some sort of a sliding scale rather than a flat fee. As this is against the State Statute, two of the FAB members voted "no" (Jennifer and Darrian) on the motion, for this reason as well as just not liking this as a revenue source. In essence, the Board approved of red-light cameras.

Also the City Manager's Report says that the "FAB recommends NOT to proceed with the downtown parking fee implementation due to the possible negative impact this may have on some of the City's businesses in the downtown area."

Although the negative impact to business was discussed, the unanimous motion was to table this until the City brought back more information on program costs, enforcement and maintenance. Steven Carr thought he would have this information at the next scheduled meeting.

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