Monday, July 19, 2010

The Department of Community Affairs and Florida Hometown Democracy

Great job DCA

The DCA has been a department that we as citizens really counted on to get it right for Florida but instead, more projects before them passed muster. It always seemed that 9 out of 10 projects were approved, with the DCA agreeing with the land-use changes before them as presented by the cities and the political powers behind those changes to their Comprehensive Plans.

Tom Pelham has done a better job than most at the DCA. There have been some positives--Developers agreeing to pay more for infrastructure and protecting wildlife and habitats where our State animal used to roam. When you have politicians in charge in Tallahassee who depend on dollars from developers, Chamber members, Realtors and the like to get elected, they don't want any lip from a DCA assessing projects on "need" or anything that makes sense to the residents in those communities.

The editorial in today's Post was excellent and the only change that I would recommend would be to have ended the piece with a plug for Florida Hometown Democracy. This is the first ballot initiative ever that will really help protect our State from unnecessary over-building and sprawl. At least the resident will decide what they want in their communities, not the politician.

As the Post did not say it, I will. Vote YES on 4 on November 2

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