Monday, July 5, 2010

Cuba to drill for oil in 2011

Drilling for oil off of Cuba will begin in 2011, about 65 miles southwest of Key West. The Gulf Spill, that cannot be contained after beginning on April 26 and has spread over 1,800 miles caused by Deepwater Horizon, is 800 miles from our shore. Think of that. 800 miles versus 65 miles.

"Repsol, a Spanish company, expects to begin drilling off Cuba in 2011, according to published reports and oil industry analysts. Companies from at least 10 other countries, including Russia and China, are negotiating or have already signed lease deals to drill off Cuba."

Our thirst for oil could some day be our State's economic downfall for good if there is an oil spill in Cuban waters, an arm's distance away, that heads right straight to Florida.

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