Sunday, July 25, 2010

Commissioner Mulvehill working on International Relations

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Zakopane is the winter capital of Poland and
famous tourist attraction

With the restoration of the Casino and the redevelopment of our beach property, we will be on our way to being a national as well as an international destination. It is good to plant the seeds now so that when the beach is completed, Lake Worth will be ready to capitalize on a booming tourist business.

Highly competent and a commissioner who really cares about the welfare of our City, Commissioner Mulvehill, is a world traveler and understands the importance of promotion. She doesn't need a map or a flashlight or any other device to know where or who to visit abroad or the importance of marketing and developing relations that will pay off for Lake Worth. Afterall, most all international tourists have heard of Palm Beach but Lake Worth is vastly unknown.

Perhaps, down the road, Lake Worth can be a part of the $122.7 billion dollar tourist industry, thanks to Commissioner Mulvehill as well as this commission with its practical understanding of the importance of developing our most important asset, the beach and the restoration of our casino to a feel of the historical past. Europeans understand the importance of history and so does she.

I just heard from Commissioner Mulvehill regarding her efforts in promoting Lake Worth.

From, Commissioner Mulvehill:

I'll be back on the 31 July! I'm presently in Zakopane, Poland. I posted something about it on my Facebook page.

On Monday, I am meeting with the Mayor of Southend on Sea, England to further discuss our international relations. I am also meeting with two council members of Southend on Monday/Tuesday and have a full itinerary on Tuesday to meet with various groups in Southend again to strengthen our international relations. I am paying for this myself in case anyone asks.

I shared with Joan Oliva with the CRA that I am meeting with Cycle Southend and she asked to inquire as to how they market their cycle trails. I am cc'ing Anna Heim, my colleague in Southend as she is hosting me at her home and has set up all the appointments for us. Councillor Lamb is the councillor I met with last time and am meeting with again this time. Councillor Graham Longley is very eager to learn more about Lake Worth and our twinning. He works very closely with Sopot, Poland another city they are twinned with. I am meeting with him and the Mayor.

Anyway, I don't know if you are aware that the Sister City Board is working to host an International Sister City Green Council on November 11/12 and inviting Mayors and council members from our respective sister cities. I've been working with Jill Paradise on the matter and perhaps she can share with you the tentative schedule and letter that she and the board asked Mayor Varela to send to our sister cities. This is all very exciting and will help leverage us internationally.

See you soon!


  1. We already ARE an international destination. I see people from all over the world eveyday at our beach!

  2. You are right, Barry but I was thinking more of Lake Worth becoming a "household name" when people are thinking of visiting the U.S. as some place they just have to go for the best beach, the world's best casino building, the friendliest people, the greatest little town by the sea.
