Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Blood is Thicker than Water

Blood is thicker than water, is an expression that goes back to 1412 in John Lydgate's “Troy Book”. He said, "For naturally blood will be of kind/ Drawn-to blood, where he may it find.”

Somewhere over the past years, blood has been getting watered down. We wage wars with no intent on winning, going after Iraq instead of Osama Bin Laden who was the one behind the attack at the Trade Center killing over 3,000 of our citizens. We now even have gone so far as to file suit against our own citizens in support of illegal immigrants in protection of their ill-gotten “rights” because of possible racial profiling.

People just walk across our borders and many go on from that crime to commit serious crimes against the United States. They don’t learn English. They don’t get to the end of the line. Why? Because they don’t want to become citizens or they don’t want to do it the right way. They arrogantly defy our laws and this liberal government goes along allowing all the loop holes for them to succeed in breaking our laws.

On Thursday, the government in all its audacity will be going to court to sue the State of Arizona and its United States citizens. Other law-abiding citizens across the country have contributed over $1 million for Arizona’s defense—citizens who believe in the rule of law and still believe that blood is thicker than water. If you want to donate to Arizona. Click HERE.

Today it was announced that Osama Bin Laden’s son along with 20 members of his family are stranded in Iran and that this government might accept them into the United States. Are we losing our mind?

Family relations and loyalties are stronger than relationships with people who are not family members. That is how it’s been since first written about back in 1412. Our citizens, who are all brothers under our Flag, are the only people who are important here and need to be protected from a liberal government allowing anyone to come here and to undermine it, from illegals, terrorists or the family of our most bitter enemy, Osama Bin Laden.

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