Monday, June 21, 2010

Zoning and permitted uses at our Beach

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In order to make this as simple as possible and to allow you to understand why we are not protected from further commercialization of our beach, please make sure that you read the last paragraph--IMPORTANT.

"The Beach and Casino district (BAC) is a zoning category for the Lake Worth public beach and casino area. It is intended for public use of the beach area and other beach related uses and private commercial and public uses in the casino area."

Use restrictions in the Public Recreation and Open Space (PROS) district.
Principal uses permitted by right in PROS district. Parks and other outdoor open space areas intended for active use. Essential services. Principal uses permitted as special land uses in PROS district. No uses are permitted as special land uses in the PROS public recreation and open space district. Accessory uses permitted by right in PROS district. Any use accessory to and customarily incidental to a principal use permitted by right.

As everyone knows, our current stores or any future stores that are ancillary to the beach are permitted uses. It is specifically spelled out in the Zoning PROS.


The BAC zoning does not address the area south of the Casino and west of the seawall (the current area west of Benny's and currently our upper level parking area).

The zoning says--All uses not specifically permitted (will not be allowed).

So, as that entire section is not specifically addressed, what can be built there is up to politics. This is an opportunity to develop commercially and this can be decided by any Commission.

Think West, Wes.

1 comment:

  1. Too bad that Cara ,Joanne and Suzanne were unable to pull their heads out of their butts and PROTECT OUR BEACH with the PROS zoning that COUNTLESS PEOPLE WENT OUT AND PETITIONED FOR !!!!
