Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wildlife today

These are the first Moscovy ducks I have seen in a very long time (upper left)...male and female with 4 little ducks still alive down from a dozen. It is a native duck to Mexico and Central and South America. These ducks are food sources to some cultures. Our ducks have all disappeared on Lake Osborne.

Sign the Petition to stop killing the Moscovy ducks.

There is no evidence that Muscovy ducks transmit disease to humans, or otherwise pose a public-health threat, so I don't even want to hear about that one. The only threat here is to the duck. Sadly, Muscovy ducks in Florida have been kicked, chased with brooms, deliberately hit with vehicles, beaten to death and shot. Several years ago I had to call the Sheriff on some old man who was laming them with a sling-shot. He was told he would be arrested and thrown in jail if he did it again.

Muscovy ducks, like all animals, are protected from harassment and inhumane killing under Florida’s anti-cruelty statute, (828.12). Prosecutions of individuals causing pain, injury or death to ducks have occurred under the statute.

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