Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Profiling is just a BS buzz word

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We have been invaded by the Socialist, progressive movement. It has been slow but methodical over decades. This is what it has come to in Lake Worth:
  • A Resource Center on public property that encourages illegal workers...something clearly against federal law.
  • An elected Lake Worth official has advocated the breaking of federal law and uses her elected position to bring forth a Resolution against Arizona 1070-- her action being subversive AND FRANKLY, NONE OF HER/THEIR BUSINESS.

  • An elected official who refuses to say the Pledge to the Flag but sees nothing wrong with raising a foreign flag at City Hall. This might have been cute in the beginning (right of free expression and all) but most citizens are now fed up with the bull. The oath of office is meaningless--only protecting criminal acts by those crossing our borders illegally has any significance to some commissioners, or so it seems.
  • A city invaded by illegal immigrants who hang on our city streets and over-crowd our properties, who have no intent on becoming legal, learning English or assimilating into our culture and our City encourages the actions. Illegals who give us the "finger."
  • A City eaten up by blight, crime, illegals and criminals with property values in the dumpster
  • Illegals who have cost the U.S. taxpayer $398 billion in social services over the past 14 years. Ask your Commissioner if she wants to pick up the tab.
It is time to say NO to these progressives and time to stop their intent on destroying America...destroying our city, its freedoms and its rule of law.

Like a gun shot heard around the world, you have the chance to tell them tonight that you emphatically reject their ideology of open borders...giving rights and entitlements to non-citizens as well as their backing of criminals who shove our laws in our face. Tell them they have one hell of a nerve protecting the advances of criminals. They are not protecting the rights of us, the citizens, something they should be doing. They have set aside their sworn duty to you and to me.

The room will be packed with the open border zealots and an American Indian who thinks he and his people were here first. They tell us that we are "racist" when all along it is they who are. They will have every nutty reason to justify the undermining of America and our Constitution. We will probably see the same stupid woman with the "I am undocumented" t-shirt spouting her bull. Please make sure that ICE is standing in the hallway.

"SB1070 essentially reflects federal immigration law enforcement which they have blocked for decades.

Their profiling allegation is subterfuge, a red herring. The bottom line is that they don't want immigration enforcement.

SB1070 requires a lawful stop and then upon "reasonable suspicion" they can check for identification.

SB1070 specifically prohibits profiling.

For the past 40 years aliens have been required under federal law to register and carry identification.

There are decades of case law and anti-discrimination laws to handle profiling complaints. Note that there have been no objections from pro-enforcement groups to anti-discrimination laws."

The possible but remote potential of profiling is not adequate reason to abandon immigration enforcement.

And if they don't pay attention, remind them this November.


  1. Kind of funny Lynn, Number one the kid you show in that picture is not an illegal immigrant. Just a little profiling on your part.
    Numebr two, you are just an overweight nazi.

  2. Number three...learn how to spell. At least I see that you can write English--that's a plus I suppose.
    Number four...the kid in the photo was giving the finger...you can believe he is an illegal or not. He is what he is, a punk kid--your son or just another social justice type idiot?
    Number five..are you one of those besieged by anorexia who attended last night?
    You want to get personal, you are screwing around with the wrong person.
