Saturday, June 12, 2010

The People are not Sheep Mr. Levy

In March, David Levy was re-elected to the Palm Beach Gardens Council for another three year term and is now the Mayor. He has already served six years but this is insufficient for Mr. Levy. He said, “Six years is not enough to figure out how things work and be effective.”

Can you even imagine someone working in corporate America suggesting such an idea? “Gee, boss, give me at least over six years to figure it out.” Can you imagine any CEO or shareholders even accepting it? If you don’t know your job and you don’t know the desires of your constituents, and you don’t understand the repercussions of the decisions that you have made or will make, than you have NO business being an elected official.

His opponent, Rob Palladino, is working on a Charter Amendment and is gathering the signatures to get the question of term limits on the November ballot. The Clerk at Palm Beach Gardens told him he had to go out on an Ordinance Amendment that required 15% of the registered voters—a Charter amendment only requires 10% and that is what Mr. Palladino’s group is pursuing. We have already learned here in Lake Worth that State law trumps City law in this process.

Every City is the same—misinformation, stonewalling, out of the sunshine, holding up petitions, threats, some of which involve law suits, “my word is gospel,” and the list goes on. Government really does not want to hear from the people once they are elected. They prefer to govern sheep.

People do not want career politicians. Look how they have messed up everything. Let the Right to Petition triumph and here’s hoping that Mayor Levy has learned that the people’s rights prevail over his own self-desires to learn his job.

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