Saturday, June 26, 2010

No Respect in Boynton

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I have said it before, we are better off than Boynton Beach.

Boynton's CRA Director called police on its Mayor and a citizen he was with when they tried to enter the CRA offices. Now mayors are getting jerked around by staff. We have known for a long time that it is staff that runs the show but this is ridiculous. What next?

1 comment:

  1. Just great! So much for government in the Sunshine. If a citizen or journalist does a public records request for material that is less than flattering for certain city employees or their departments, all they have to say is "Oh darn,we lost it "!Becky ,our part time utilities director and full time FMPA Cheerleader,must be pissing in her pants with joy over this ruling.
