Sunday, June 13, 2010

Message from Commmissioner Jennings - City Voluntary Boards

I am looking for residents to volunteer on our City Boards….will you consider applying? Volunteering for a City Board is an excellent way to participate in the wonderful changes happening in our city. Below is an explanation for some of the boards that need volunteers.

Board Applications are due to the City Clerk by FRIDAY JUNE 18 at 5pm. You must live in the City to apply. Applications are on-line at the City of Lake Worth web site. (click on the “City Residents” link, the Volunteer Boards link is found at the bottom of the section) or in the City Clerk’s office at City Hall. You can apply for multiple boards on one application. Interviews will be scheduled by the City Clerk for the evening of June 29. The interviews are very casual, so don’t be scared to apply!

Historic Preservation Board – Exciting New Board interviewing for 9 seats. The HPB has been created to preserve, protect, and enhance landmarks and historic districts having a special historic, architectural, archaeological, aesthetic or cultural interest and value. The board is also responsible to protect the scale, character and stability of existing neighborhoods and prevent demolition of landmarks and historic districts. Do you have an interest in preserving the historic structures in LW? We are looking for a range of people with experience in real estate, planning, banking architecture, building and archeology. Interest in preservation and history are also great reasons to apply! Board will meet monthly or quarterly depending on number of cases.

CRA- Community Redevelopment Agency - Interviewing for 2 seats. This Board is responsible to revitalize certain areas of the City. If you have a passion for improving our city from clean-ups to job programs, affordable housing and supporting small businesses, then step right up! The CRA budget includes the 23 million dollar NSP II Grant, an affordable housing initiative that is mandated to purchase and re-hab foreclosed homes and then sell them to families in an affordable price range. Get on the board and help to direct the money towards great projects that truly help to invigorate our community! Board meets two times per month.

Community Relations Board - Interviewing for 3 seats. This board was created to “promote amicable relations among the racial and cultural groups within the community.” This board will create a pro-active work plan to address race relations, civil rights, law enforcement policies and cultural education. This will be an exciting board that gets out into the community working to address injustices and create a more equitable city! Board meets monthly.

Planning and Zoning - Interviewing for 2 seats. The Planning Board’s job is to review & vote on development plans, address nuisance abatement cases and help create development policies. They have the power to approve buildings such as the Lucerne in downtown, create new Green Building guidelines and make recommendations to the City Commission on park/green space issues. If you want a say in how high, big, or green we grow, then step right up! Board meets two times per month.

Tree Board- an active community board--they host the Annual Festival of Trees in January, a fun educational event of environmental groups and nurseries selling a variety of plants and the Shade Tree Give-Away (this year they gave away 418 native trees to residents!). The Board also advises the city commissioners on tree and landscape matters, and write ordinances. You don't have to be a garden or tree expert to serve on this board – a strong interest in increasing the tree canopy coverage is a must. Board meets monthly.

Board of Trustees for Firefighters – Interviewing for 1 seat. This Board over-sees the administration of the firefighter pensions. Important to be comfortable with finances and able to advocate on be-half of the public as pensions are a huge component of the city’s budget. Board meets bi-monthly.

Board of Trustees Police Retirement System – Interviewing for 1 Seat, 1 re-appointee. This Board over-sees the administration of the police pensions. Important to be comfortable with finances and able to advocate on be-half of the public as pensions are a huge component of the city’s budget. Board meets monthly.

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