Thursday, June 3, 2010

Lois Frankel, flushing the voters down the toilet

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Lois Frankel keeps on flushing the voters down the toilet

Lois Frankel wants the City of West Palm Beach to subsidize a developer to build a waterfront hotel right across from the City Hall that got them in so much debt. She fought the referendum to take it to a vote all the way to the State Supreme Court and lost. It didn't matter to Lois. She just kept on building anyway.

This developer, of course, wants the height restrictions lifted just for him on this hotel project. This will mean totally ignoring a 1996 referendum to stop high-rises as Frankel says that she can ignore the will of the voter and make a height exception for this developer. She has assured the Commission that she can do this—flush the people’s vote down the toilet and change the Comprehensive Plan to allow a ten story building on the Clematis corridor.

West Palm Beach did change zoning in some areas of the downtown. All elected officials do this over and over again. They don't listen to the people. The 5 story height limit stayed intact for the Clematis area. Of course, the developer is crying he needs twice the amount of floors in order to be profitable.

Same old story…same old bull. A developer comes in; he wants this; he ends up getting it because the politicians change the zoning and land-use and the residents who voted on smaller heights get screwed. Essentially, their wishes and desires are totally ignored. Developers know that they can twist elected officials their way--they have been doing it for decades.

Will anyone in West Palm Beach ever understand what Frankel is really about? The voter is expendable in her eyes. They are only a means to an end to get elected to do what she wants. She is not alone in her disregard for the voter. This is typical across our entire State and why the State of Florida is in this horrendous mess. If anyone speaks out against Amendment 4 you can bet it is a politician, a builder, a Realtor, or the Chamber of Commerce and/or one of its members. They are not about preserving the quality of life in Florida. They are all about greed.

On November 2, Vote YES on Amendment 4. This will be a Charter Amendment that will affect all of Florida and will mean, when your city commission wants to change your Comprehensive Plan, your vote will have some teeth.

1 comment:

  1. Lois is why we all need Amendment 4. An elected official voted in by the taxpayers who thinks she knows BETTER than the taxpayers.Dictators don't have to follow the law. Maybe Lois should head south to Cuba. She could teach the Castro boys a thing or two!
