Thursday, June 17, 2010

Liberal Politics and the LW Democratic Club

The Democratic Party has changed

As one blogger states, "As many as 10 states, including Utah, Georgia, Colorado, Maryland, Ohio, North Carolina, Texas, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Nebraska are considering adopting Arizona's Immigration law or something similar."

Subversives know how to organize and protest. They have become experts at strategy, misspeak and with the illegal immigration issue, twisting it all around to "racism." There is a (very) small minority of illegal alien protesters getting virtually all of the publicity. Thank you left-winged media. According to Rasmussen polls, more than 70% of the country support what Arizona did. Someone at City Hall dissed polls the other night. They just don't care about truth or the law or what the people want. They were elected to a strange mix of people here in Lake Worth some of whom believe that everyone's life is equal and therefore they all should deserve the same entitlements whether they are a citizen or a criminal and want all of us to pay and pay and pay while they stick their tongues out.

Left wing radical protesters and a HUGE number of UNEMPLOYED ILLEGAL ALIENS make it appear that there is little or no support for the law - but the people who DO support the law have responsibilities and are too busy going to work, making a living and supporting their families as well as SUPPORTING ILLEGAL aliens.

Within just one week of Arizona Law, 10 States have shown interest in adopting it. How many more will join in over the next few months? Once it is declared Constitutional, I would imagine many will consider a similar law particularly those States most affected.

Last night the Lake Worth Democratic Club had its meeting with Pete Brandenburg and Jeff Clemens speaking. Jeff was good, as usual, and always knows how to say the right things. One in attendance jumped up at the end and stated, "I didn't like some of the stuff that Mary did (Pete's wife) and Jeff I have never liked you. Who do I vote for; who is the Republican candidate?" she asked. It's tough to consider voting for any Democrat these days. As good as some may be, they stick to a Party line that is no longer acceptable and in some cases, radical and just plain out of touch.

Dave Aronberg's (candidate for FL attorney general) aide spoke and brought up that Arizona wants to put an end to Anchor Babies. He was appalled. Arizona will most likely introduce new legislation this fall that will deny birth certificates to children born in Arizona to illegal immigrants, defying the U.S. Constitution’s 14th Amendment that says being born on U.S. soil automatically makes you a U.S. citizen. It's against the law to come to this country and marry an American just to obtain automatic citizenship. What is the difference? You break the law; you don't get the privileges.

The Amendment was made over 100 years ago. Russell Pearce, Arizona House of Representatives, says that today the 14th Amendment has been taken over by illegal immigrants. “They use it as a wedge,” Pearce told “This is an orchestrated effort by them to come here and have children to gain access to the great welfare state we’ve created. We will write it right.”

Take the poll at

Go "getum," Arizona!

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