Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Illegal Immigration is a Criminal Act

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Illegal aliens are criminals. Now that this has been said, everything else is moot and a waste of time to discuss.

Although the Resolution brought forth by Commissioner Golden against Arizona Law was tabled with the excuse of no back-up, or late back-up with no time to digest it, not having time to read Arizona 1070 and understanding civil rights, the Commission just delayed the inevitable. Postpone today what we will have to deal with tomorrow.

This is what the Federal government has done all these years...put it off...not deal with it head on. They have allowed this problem to exacerbate and grow like a cancer. It started with Bill Clinton and NAFTA. Once this was done, they kept on coming here and we sat there wondering how to stop the invasion. This gave everyone south of our border the idea that we were all “one.”

Commissioner Scott Maxwell finally was a star last night talking about a subject for which he is an expert. No one can say it better than he. Finally after much discussion, the Commission asked our city attorney to look into the civil rights issue. Civil rights are rights that you get when you are a citizen. Illegal immigrants, by definition, are not citizens; therefore, by the inherent meaning of the words themselves, they cannot have civil rights! They are flatly ineligible! And aren’t we all just sick to death of the ACLU and other left groups advocating for civil rights and our City Commission going along as if they are in a time warp from the 60’s?

Even Ana Rodriguez was in the chamber last night on her best behavior I might add. I said, loud enough for her to hear, that in order to solve the problem, they all should go “home.” She turned around and glared at me saying this was “her continent…this is home.” Great Ana…wrong continent, wrong country. She said that she had become a citizen last year-- that her father had bucko bucks and that she is from Venezuela. You know, Hugo Chevaz, the Socialist, and all that jazz. Try pulling your stuff there, Ana. She came from money I guess but no one taught her the rule of law or even manners.

When you come to another country you are to follow the laws of that country. When you cross our borders or any in the world, you better have documents. Amy, if you recall, lives in West Palm Beach and was the one who charged the podium the day that Commissioner Maxwell was sworn in making a big stupid scene for socialism. As Amy left the Chamber she glared at me again with a face that meant "I hate your guts." These people don't want Americans to defend our law. We should “up” our standards for citizenship.

But this is not about Ana. It really is about all those who just want to undermine our country and all for which it stands or at least for what it used to be—a country of hard-working citizens—people who immigrated here the legal way, not those here for a hand-out and crossing our borders and sticking our laws in our face—the land of the free, the home of the brave and elected officials who swore to uphold our Constitution. We have drifted from our purpose. And look what’s happening to our country.

The PB Post today has a quote from me. I want to qualify the statement on Commissioner Jennings. I believe that she has made some great decisions for our City such as the RO and the Casino project, but she has also made some horrendous mistakes that have cost us millions.

Jennings could have been the best we have ever had but she gave it up for social justice causes and defying government and our laws. She put aside that she was elected to uphold our Constitution, our laws and work for the betterment of our citizens. Her beliefs aim to achieve what developmental economists refer to as more equality of opportunity. In actuality it just means, all hard-working Americans should turn all their chips over to all those who want to mooch off the system and come here illegally.


  1. e-mail from Steve Rosen--

    I fully support the Arizona immigration law and have actually read it unlike the President, Napolitano, Attorney General, State Department and other officials who just run the crap out of their mouth at 26,000 psi (that is the pressure of the outpouring oil from BP, i.e. Beyond Prosecution who are in Obama’s hip pocket.

    We know a free lance reporter who was on the beach down there when Soetoro visited the area. Before Soetoro got there, the government installed around 120 ‘clean up specialists” in striped suits for effect when in reality only around 20 people were actually there.

    As soon as the illegal immigrant Soetoro left, the 120 plants went with him. This clown makes my stomach boil and my skin crawl. Did you know that he and his wife both voluntarily surrendered their licenses to practice law in 2008. Gee, wonder what investigations they were wanting to avoid by doing this????

    And you thought I got angry only over gopher tortoises and critter stuff…..!


  2. Don't the idiots we elected have enough issues right here in Lake Worth to worry about ? Staff is robbing us blind-think utilities,the 500,000 pool rip off . Joe Kroll throwing out a figure of 275,000 for the Bryant park job, then coming back and changing his tune to 50,000. If there had been no oversight, like in the days before Stanton,where would the "EXTRA" money have gone? Into someone's pocket ?Illegals are Illegal. Criminals. You have no rights ,your CHILDREN have no rights. How many more American citizens are going to be murdered by illegals before we start getting rid of these worthless criminals ? Oh ,and by the way, thanks for the jobs and homes,and natural resources you have stolen from the American citizens. Thanks for diseases,like drug resistant T.B., which you have spread throughout my country.Any elected official breaking the law by aiding illegals needs to lose their citizenship and get booted over the border.Good luck in your ridiculous protests with the Mexican Government.I'm sure that the Mexican prison system will pay attention to all of your demands.

  3. I wish you had said what you meant to say in your clarification. If you had, though, it would not have seen print. The piece was nothing but fluff and a slobbering over Jennings. Any negative comments were met with the commentator being denigrated for their past.

    Not a word about how Lantana wanted to make a point by having our anarchist politician lead them in the pledge of allegiance, or how the county commission mocks her.

    When we wake up to the fact we need someone with real world financial experience to run a city our size? Not a throwback to the sixties love child, social justice, "f--- the pigs" mentality!

  4. The reporter quoted what he wanted to quote from me for his article.

    I re-engaged the anonymous post for one day and have now disengaged it. I really want people to at least sign their names and be accountable as much as possible. If you really feel that strongly, you should be willing to sign your name.
