Wednesday, June 30, 2010

ICE and law enforcement go after criminal illegal aliens

Every citizen of this country believes that those who immigrate here the legal way deserve all rights once they become citizens and acquire the proper documentation that gives them certain rights here in the united States to work and to live. We have always asked that they immigrate legally. But in the land of opportunity, there are always criminals and they will always be attracted to the U.S., the land of opportunity.

The criminals and the ACLU and even Commissioner Golden's argument is, "no one is illegal." They shout that we citizens who object are nothing more than low-life racists and Nazis, a stupid assertion and believe that if they throw the epithets often enough, some might stick. If people cross our border without documentation, they are criminals. Got it?

Yesterday, ICE and Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced statewide activation of Secure Communities to prioritize, identify and remove criminal aliens. See the U.S. Immigration and Enforcement web site.

Secure Communities strategy prioritizes immigration enforcement actions against convicted criminal aliens.

"Since ICE began using this enhanced information sharing capability in October 2008, immigration officers have removed from the United States more than 8,500 criminal aliens convicted of Level 1 crimes, such as murder, rape and kidnapping. Additionally, ICE has removed more than 22,200 criminal aliens convicted of Level 2 and 3 crimes, including burglary and serious property crimes, which account for the majority of crimes committed by aliens."

There are over 425,000 illegal alien criminals incarcerated in the United States. Those are the ones that are caught for despicable crimes against citizens who are paying the tab for their insurrection.

"Already in Florida, ICE has removed more than 1,800 convicted criminal aliens. ICE does not regard aliens charged with, but not yet convicted of crimes, as criminal aliens. Instead, a "criminal alien" is an alien convicted of a crime. In accordance with the Immigration and Nationality Act, ICE continues to take action on aliens subject to removal as resources permit."

Although this definition waters down the definition of a criminal alien, (they are ALL criminals) it is a step in the right direction.

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