Friday, June 25, 2010

HR 5175

HR 5175 - DISCLOSE Act

To amend the Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 to prohibit foreign influence in Federal elections, to prohibit government contractors from making expenditures with respect to such elections, and to establish additional disclosure requirements with respect to spending in such elections, and for other purposes.

The above was just passed on a vote of 219 to 206.

Read the Summary.

Crying today are Constitutionalists and scores of gun rights organizations and ostensibly friendly conservatives that have lined up against the NRA over the DICSLOSE Act, including national groups such as the Chamber of Commerce, the Family Research Council, Freedom Action, Gun Owners of America, Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, the National Organization for Gun Rights, the Coalition for Liberty, and state level groups such as Grass Roots North Carolina, Gun Owners of Nevada, the Oregon Firearms Federation, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, South Dakota Gun Owners, the Virginia Gun Owners Coalition, and Wisconsin Gun Owners, among many others.

What is their gripe? They believe that Obama wants to seize lists of all gun owners in the country. The NRA is the only Group that is exempt from the list.

The Vote in Florida, 15 Republicans and 2 Democrats voted "no," (one of whom was Democrat Alcee Hastings) with 8 Democrats voting "yes," (Kendrick Meek, Ron Klein and Ted Deutch were some on the "yes" list).

(Sec. 102) Applies the ban on contributions and expenditures by foreign nationals to foreign-controlled domestic corporations. I can't even imagine a foreign corporation doing business in the United States having control over our elections by the influence of campaign contributions. The passing of this Bill was right and sensible. All you gun groups need to take a chill pill and understand that full disclosure and transparency is the name of this game.

This legislation will now move on to the Senate and will be referenced as S.3295

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