Monday, June 21, 2010

First Day of Summer

In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer. ~Albert Camus

Think of your friends who live up North or Green Bay or freezing out there in Minnesota... always looking forward to Summer when they can get out in their shorts, play some golf, take a weekend trip to a nearby lake for boating or swimming or go to the beach. We are lucky to be in Lake Worth where our weather is nearly perfect every day of the year... with an annual mean of 75.3^.

We have every reason in the world to take advantage of our assets and upgrade and maintain them: our Casino, our Golf Course, (which has now turned around because of management) as well as our downtown can be money makers beyond our imagination and put our City on the map as a destination to bring in millions of tourist dollars.

We are now going forward to be self-sufficient in water and our Reverse Osmosis Plant is under construction. We have obtained an NSP2 Grant to clean up blight. We have the tendency to look at the bad but good decisions have been made to make Lake Worth better. Now if we, as citizens, can solve the illegal alien problem, the over-crowding problem and the crime, because the Commission has failed the citizens in this regard, this City will be that much closer to prosperity.

And for a little bit of trivia, the hottest temperature ever recorded in the United States was on July 10, 1913 when Death Valley, California reached 134 degrees F.

The temperature reached 136 degrees in El Azizia, Libya on September 13, 1922, setting the world record for heat.

As Henry James said, "Summer afternoon - summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." And just think--we have Summer every day in Lake Worth.

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